Friday, October 8, 2010

Blogging Assignment #1 - Profile Summary Assignment

Profile Summary Assignment

Our first Blogging assignment for Exploratory Class is to use the two green summary sheets to write a description of yourself as a learner. 

First, use your notes from the light green sheet to help you describe your learning style and how that affects choosing a career path.  Your learning style may have an affect on the kind of post-secondary education you choose in preparing for your career. (Later on, you will also be exploring schools and colleges for your chosen career path.)  For example, if you are a person who does not learn well from words and books and you decide that a four-year college is not for you, you will need to look for careers that do not required bachelor's or advanced degrees.  If you are a person with an auditory learning style who learns best through listening and discussing, a correspondence college would probably drive you nuts.

Next, you will describe what you found out about your strengths using the multiple intelligences survey.  You will need to think about how these strengths fit different careers you are considering.  How would each career utilize the strengths you have? On the other hand, would you be happy and productive in a career that does not utilize your strengths?

Another part of your description will include the preferences and profiles that you discovered on the Naviance program.  The dark green summary sheet will have information from questions you answered about those profiles. You may want to go back now and think about the "extra credit" questions on this sheet; they should help you as you write this part of your profile.

You will be able to take most of your information from the notes on your green sheets, but you will certainly need to make some changes; use complete sentences and good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Ask a partner-reader to find out what is unclear in your writing and revise so that others will understand what you have to say.

The last paragraph of your post will be the conclusions you have drawn about your future career. For example,
I need to find a career that allows me to be active, move around and use my hands.  It should be one that requires only two years of post-secondary education that uses learning by doing rather than book learning.  I want a career that uses my strengths in working with other people and with art.  I want to find a career in the human resources or manufacturing clusters.  It should have pleasant working conditions and a high salary, and allow me freedom to decide my own schedule.

Finally, you will publish your post.  This will be how you turn this assignment in, so make sure that your exploratory teacher has read and responded to the post. 

Have a wonderful time on your first blogging assignment.