Thursday, November 18, 2010

Final Career Project

Final Career Project              
Almost everything we have done in Exploratory class this semester has been designed to help you decide on a career that will be interesting and fulfilling for you.  Your final project will be a presentation designed to be used at a career fair to let other students learn about your career of choice.  

It could be in the form of
  • a display board,
  • a pamphlet or brochure,
  • a power point presentation,
  • a multi-media presentation,
  • a t-shirt,
or any other appropriate form for getting your message out.  It may include any information you feel is important, but must include at least the following:
A.  Written Component
This must be an effective summary and description of the following for your chosen career:
    1.  the type of work involved
    2.  the education/training/experience required
    3.  working conditions
    4.  salary information (current and future)
    5.  job availability (current and future)
    6.  type of person best suited for this career
    7.  the value of this work to society or our community
B.  Data Component
At least one of the above sections should include a chart, graph or other appropriate presentation of data. You must cite the source of your data or graph.
C.  Visual Component
The overall project must include a visual graphic.  Make your presentation inviting so people want to look at it.  Include photo(s), clip-art, a design related to your career, attractive borders, etc.
Due Dates
The first draft of this project is due on Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010. 
The final project is due on Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010.  
Late projects will not be evaluated by other students and will be docked 10% for each calendar day they are late.
Your project will be scored based on the scoring guides you have been given.  Be sure to cite your sources.

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